John Schmucker Homestead
Barbara Stoltzfus married John Schmucker, who was an Amish native of
Switzerland born on September 24, 1740. He arrived in Philadelphia on May 8, 1752.
Barbara and John had thirteen children. They lived on a farm West of Reading,
Pennsylvania, which today is known as the 'stone house' in Wyomissing, Pennsylvania.
This farm was originally owned by Nicholas and Christian and was passed on to John
and his wife Barbara. It is now known that John and Barbara also lived in the
Joseph Hiester house in Bern Township 1790 to 1800.
John Schmucker died in 1809. Barbara died in 1838 and was buried in
the Myers Cemetery. A gravestone is also there for John.
Schmucker is the family lineage that leads to Smuckers jelly.
If you are are interested in that family line check out their web site.
The Schmucker, Smucker, Smoker Family Association