Nicholas Stoltzfus
The House
The Barn
Annual Auction
Site Rental
Help With Preservation
Faith Heritage
Regional History


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Heritage Preservation

This is where we ask for you to get involved in helping to preserve the heritage of Nicholas Stoltzfus and the historical home he owned on the banks of the Tulpehocken creek. There are several ways you can get involved.

Spread the word

  • Let your friends and family know about the Nicholas Stoltzfus House
  • Plan a family reunion at the house, or organize with your siblings to take a tour together.
  • Help distribute copies of the Homestead Newsletter to interested friends and family members - click here to see all the newsletters


There are several events throughout the year where many volunteers are needed to help, or maybe you can help around the house with cleaning or trimming weeds etc. contact Paul Kurtz to find your spot in the organization. Paul Kurtz, psku04@ptd.net 717-808-7785

Social Networking

"Like Us" on Facebook

1. If you are a member of Facebook, we strongly encourage you to "like" our facebook page "Liking" our facebook page will connect you into an online community sharing research, participating in discussions and getting to know cousins, distant and near. Visit this link, and click on the small "like button."


2. Another way you can connect on facebook is to join a "group." Our group is called Nicholas Stoltzfus Descendants. Anyone may join. Follow this link, and click on the join button.

3. The most established and active group on facebook today related to this is called "Stoltzfus is the best name ever" It is a lighthearted community of Stoltzfuses who don't take themselves too seriously. Click, join, and enjoy.

4. Enjoy our photos on flickr. Watch a slide show, comment on our photos, or add some of your own. Flickr is a great place to share photos, we hope you will share yours.


Future Efforts

In the coming months, there will be additional ways to help us connect around this great mission - to preserve our heritage, history, and the stories that make it meaningful.

We are hoping a community will spring up on the social web to participate and discuss the research that is going on regarding Nicholas and his family.

We hope to begin an effort to connect cousins and help them trace their roots back to Nicholas Stoltzfus.

We want to encourage people to develop Wikipedia articles for some of the research done here. As well, it would be great to share some of your Stoltzfus related photos on Flickr.

Are you using Geni, or Familylink.com? Feel free to contact us and let us know what ways you would like to connect to this community.

Stay tuned to this page for fun interactive ways to connect and participate.