The Nicholas Stoltzfus House
The Nicholas Stoltzfus House has survived 200 years of flooding and encroachment from highway development.
Since the completion of the Blue Marsh Dam in the late 1970's flooding is much less of a threat.
The route 222 highway upgrade was completed and the house remained. The house is restored and a barn is being constructed
thanks to The Nicholas Stoltzfus
House Preservation Committee, The Pequea Bruderschaft Library, and many others.
Begin the day at the NSH, have lunch in the local pavilion,
then see the Gruber Wagon Works, the Canal Museum, The Red Bridge, and take to the trails or
canoe on the Tulpehocken.
Select to view photos of the House, Barn, Auction,
Music Festival, and Barn Raising
Download The 2012
House Restoration Progress Brochure
Modern History
The Turtle 2006. Tulpehocken is an Indian word meaning "Land where the turtle sang and wooed".